With long life I will satisfy you and show you My salvation (Salvation includes – deliverance, protection, victory. prosperity & health) Ps 91:16
Long life is in Wisdoms right hand and in His left hand are riches and honor Prov 3:16
I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers 3 John 2
ARISE Company
We are an ARISE first COMPANY of believers who are Accomplishing the Will of God, Advancing the Kingdom of God, all for the Glory of God.
We invite you to join us if you are interested in Finding LIFE, Enjoying Life and Winning in life. Jesus has come to give us LIFE – an abundant, excessive, beyond measure, superior in quality life and living.
At Arise Company the Word is taught powerfully and simply at the same time so we can take it and do it throughout the week to experience victory in our lives.
Pastors Jeff and Audrey Loewen

Located in
Vulcan AB
Contact us for meeting locations

Service Times
Thursday CONNECT Life
Bible Study
7 – 8 pm
About Us
We are a Spirit Filled Christian company of believers that love Jesus and the Bible
Thursday at 7pm