Welcome to our info page on the “MONEY BY DESIGN” course by John Muratori that we are hosting here at Arise Family Church.
We as the Arise Family Church family have really enjoyed this course and the concepts and truths it teaches. Therefore we wanted to be a blessing and make it available to you.
We have completed our initial course and do not have a new start date but do plan on hosting more in the future.
We look forward to seeing you as new dates become available
Jeff and Audrey Loewen
Money by Design – Description & Syllabus About Money by Design
The Money by Design (MBD) book and multimedia curriculum is based on the national bestselling book “Rich Church, Poor Church”. MBD was created with a dual purpose in mind: Get out of debt and Create more income! This pioneering curriculum features more material guaranteed to empower every reader to reach their maximum financial potential.
This curriculum is also offered as a fully-accredited college course. There are several Seminaries in the United States that are offering 3 credits for those that successfully complete the course.
Lessons are carefully developed to build an understanding of God’s intentions for money and how we can use it to prosper in the 21stCentury.
The Money by Design Difference
Unlike most financial curriculums on the market today that are built around the “debt reduction” philosophy, which simply states the only way to change your financial situation is to decrease your expenditures and debt. Money By Design introduces another solution: Increase your income!
From this curriculum you will learn:
- Fresh and innovative techniques for money management and wealth creation
- How to integrate your professional life with your spiritual life to achieve financial freedom
- The difference between good debt and bad debt
- How to support your family and create generational wealth
How Does Money by Design work?
This 12-week DVD course, primarily taught in a classroom setting, consists of a leader and students. It is also suitable for small or large groups.
The objective of the MBD content is to empower individuals toward financial success. This is achieved by providing proper education based on established Biblical principles, and by developing new concepts. Since many of the ideas are complex, this objective should be kept in mind when the materials are reviewed.
Money by Design Curriculum Overview & Syllabus
The Money by Design curriculum is composed of 12 units (one unit per week; 3 months) that explore unshakable and time-tested principles of financial success. Lessons can be taught in a variety of settings; churches, colleges, homes, and businesses are the typical settings where classes are conducted. Students will experience a unique learning experience and will be challenged to view finances in a different way than they may have been taught in the past.
Unit 1 – Financial Power Principles
This first unit is an introduction to the concept of Biblical economics and wealth creation. Unit One teaches students that in order to have a proper understanding of wealth; they must first evaluate what they’ve been taught about wealth through previous educational, cultural, and religious systems. Students will learn that they must also establish a solid work ethic to begin their journey toward financial prosperity.
Unit 2 – Kingdom Worldview
In order to be prosperous, one must have a proper structure on which they can build which will lead to an understanding of how to live prosperous. Unit Two teaches the students that a proper worldview must be established in order to build long-lasting wealth. The question of why the secular and deceitful people and businesses in the world are able to prosper is answered in this unit, which will open the eyes of the students to see wealth as a tool that can be used both for good and evil at the same time.
Unit 3 – God, Judaism, & Modern Capitalism
God provided Israel with patterns, principles, and strategies to elevate their power and influence among diverse nations. Unit Three will provide the students with a deeper understanding of the Jewish culture and how God implemented economic systems in their culture that helped shape the current economic system by which we live today. Students will be able to recognize that success principles are spread throughout the Bible and are applicable to the demands of our current culture.
Unit 4 – How to Break Poverty
Money can expose and magnify our character flaws and personality defects. Poverty is driven by fear and if left unchecked can shape our concepts about finances. Unit Four will help students understand the “Biblical blueprint for release” and how a poverty mentality can hinder them from activating the principles to achieve financial freedom. Students will not only learn how to grow wealth, but also, and more importantly, what to do with it!
Unit 5 – Understanding Cycles of Wealth
Being in the right place at the right time is what it takes to establish wealth. In Unit Five students will learn how to position themselves properly in order to achieve financial success. The patterns and cycles of God have established an idea that we are to be prosperous so that we can provide for the generations to come. The excitement of the Bible really comes alive in this unit and the students will be able to recognize that God desires us to achieve financial independence!
Unit 6 – Power to Gain Wisdom
A Universal Law is defined as a principle embedded in creation that always succeeds and never fails; is applicable and present everywhere and in all cases; pertains to all existing things. Unit Six is where the students are introduced to the 12 Universal Laws of Wealth Creation. With an understanding that we have been given the power to gain wealth, the students will need to begin the process of prioritizing their life to be able to apply the first two laws of putting “first things first” and having a lifestyle of “generosity”.
Unit 7 – The Law of Time
Many people believe that wealth comes by luck or chance. Unit Seven will tell you that it takes a careful and well thought-out management strategy in order to achieve financial freedom. Students will have the opportunity to complete some assignments that will make them evaluate their time, goals, and decision-making processes. How we manage the Law of Time determines the productivity and ultimately, the prosperity of our lives.
Unit 8 – The Laws of Intellect & Creative Power
Wisdom is knowledge rightfully applied. In Unit Eight students will recognize the difference between wisdom and knowledge, and they will learn that just having finances is not enough to make one successful. This unit will teach the students that creativity is the logical product of wisdom and knowledge and manifests itself in ideas, inventions, and innovation.
Unit 9 – The Laws of Divine Endowments & The Brand
Being precedes doing. Thus, our functional activity is a product of our true identity. Unit Nine will show the students that everyone has God given talents and abilities that can be used to create wealth. Not only does everyone have talents, but they also have a name which is their brand. The Law of the Brand is the foundation upon which wealth is built. No other law can function correctly if this one is not practiced.
Unit 10 – The Laws of Synergy & Communication
Networking relationships are vital to business. Unit Ten will allow the students to recognize that in order to create wealth, you will need the help of others. When dealing in business or in the workplace, one must be able to communicate properly. Communication is the flow and exchange of life and is the thermostat that sets the quality of life. The power of negotiation is a key part of communication that must be mastered in order to achieve financial prosperity.
Unit 11 – The Laws of Discipline & Management
All success and breakthrough is dependent on the Law of Discipline. In Unit Eleven the students will conclude that one can neither build nor sustain wealth without practicing this law. Disciplined actions and decisions can be attributed to those that have substantial amounts of wealth and effective management strategies. Management in its simplest form is the art of coordinating and harmonizing our lives. The fact is, God cannot, and will not, bless a mess!
Unit 12 – The Law of Diversification
Diversification is the process of creating and using multiple streams of income to create wealth. In the last unit, Unit Twelve, the students will be able to have a hands-on approach to what they’ve learned. By creating a balance sheet, figuring out their net-worth, and completing the diversification worksheet, the students will be able to evaluate how they can begin to cut expenses and generate more income to achieve their goal of “financial freedom”.
THE GIFT IN YOU – by Dr Caroline leaf
No matter what you may have been told, the tests that you may have taken, or what you may believe about yourself – you have a unique gift inside of you that can change the world.
So, what does God say about your gift? And how does neuroscience prove that you are uniquely equipped to fulfill your purpose?
In this ground-breaking book, Dr. Caroline Leaf illustrates the revolutionary link between brain science and God’s purpose for each one of us. This practical and easy-to-understand book will help you discover your special gift, overcome what may be standing in the way of living in your gift, and identify your truth-value.
While times change and technology marches forward, the principles of leadership are constant and stand the test of time.
There are four ideas to keep in mind as you explore The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership:
1. The laws can be learned. Some are easier to understand apply than others, but every one of them can be mastered.
2. The laws can stand alone. Each law complements all the others, but you don’t need one in order to learn another.
3. The laws carry consequences. If you ignore them, you will be unable to lead well. If you implement them, people will follow you.
4. These laws are the foundation of leadership. Once you learn the principles, you have to apply them to your life to achieve your full potentials as a leader.
“The True Measure of Leadership is Influence – Nothing More, Nothing Less” John C Maxwell
Success does not happen by accident.
It only happens by our being INTENTIONAL.
Join us to learn about living intentionally and make your life, marriage, family, business, work, relationships and wealth stronger and more fulfilling than they have ever been.
In this 10 Week Course we will be digging into John C Maxwell’s book “Intentional Living – Choose a life that matters”
Hosted by Jeff Loewen a John Maxwell Team Certified Trainer